Hi, I am, Namsheed.

Google Partnered & Certified Ad Expert

I help businesses grow by making them reach the right people at the right moment online. 

Google Ads Expert Namsheed

Is your Google Ads Campaign not performing the way you want?

If you are looking for a Google Ads Expert for your Business marketing or searching for a PPC expert to scale your existing PPC Campaign, you are in the right place; I’ve got you.

Hi, I am Namsheed, a Google Partnered and Certified Google Ads Expert; I help business owners across the world to reach their marketing goals by providing ROI-focused PPC services, and I will help you to craft the best marketing strategy for your Business for long-term benefits.

What i Offer?

Exclusively Google Ads! This decision stems from my commitment to channeling all my efforts into executing PPC marketing with unparalleled excellence. Here are the areas where I excel:

Search Ads
Display Ads
Video Ads
Shoping Ads
App Ads
G Tag

Why Choose Me?

10+ Years of Experience

I started my Digital marketing career in 2010 but after 2016 I focused on Google Ads because I want to deliver a specialized service for my client. Expertise matters.

Affordable Packages

I am offering competitive pricing for all my clients and it’s far better than agency rates, and offer a special discount for Nonprofits and Startups.

Dedicated PPC Service

I exclusively specialize in Google Ads PPC, as I am dedicated to concentrating all my energy on executing Search marketing with the utmost brilliance.

100% ROI Focused

Nothing brings greater satisfaction to a business owner than realizing a return on their investment. I prioritize tangible results over superficial metrics, focusing on delivering genuine value.

Customized Marketing Strategy

No Matter the industry of your business, I will help you to craft the best marketing strategy for your Business for long-term benefits.

Transparant Reports

While many promise transparency in ad budget reports, few deliver. With me, you can count on a dedicated, interactive dashboard that ensures true transparency in tracking your ad spend.


Step 1


Uncover business goals and audience nuances to shape a tailored Google Ads strategy.

Step 2

Keyword Research

Meticulously identify keywords
for seamless alignment with
audience searches.

Step 3

Campaign Planning

Strategically plan every detail, from ad formats to budget allocation, for impactful Ads

Step 4

Ad Creation

Craft compelling copies and visuals to captivate and drive clicks and conversions.

Step 5

Ongoing Optimization

Continuous analysis for bid adjustments, refined targeting, and enhanced overall efficiency.

Step 6

Performance Reporting

Transparent, detailed reports providing insights beyond vanity metrics.

Dont take my words

How to get Started?

  • Tell me your Marketing Goals, Current Challenges, and future scale-up plans…
  • Let me analyze everything and come up with a proposal and audit report for you.
  • let’s talk once you have gone through the proposal. ask any questions you have.
  • Ready to start now? arrange for the account accesses required.
  • Watch the performance improvements. get the report on performance and call me when required.

Get a Free Consultation

Let’s Talk. I will be happy to connect and take your questions. Tell me the challenges you are facing and you will have the solutions suggested. Don’t worry, it does not cost a penny.

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